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Nellie's verhaal
00:00 / 01:33

Audio excerpt transcribed:

I am Nellie, the eldest daughter of boss Janssen.
I lived in the house attached to the factory until I was 21. We experienced everything there.

I experienced the war there, I can still remember it very well.
A grenade hit our house, I can still remember that very well. That, above all, it was broken.

The fact that lightning struck more often and that all the electrical pipes burst open was very frightening.
Furthermore, I really enjoyed living there, but yes, there was no real room for maneuver. We were not allowed in the clay cave, even though we went there secretly.


Every day the clay train came by and went from Teeuwen via the Keulseweg to the German border to collect clay. It was a spectacle every day when he came by.


What I also remember is that when there was a wedding, the factory workers would put bowls in clay and place them in the middle of the road, and when the wedding procession passed by they would throw coins into them. When the procession was gone, the workers rushed outside to see what was inside. This they did divide themselves together. I don't actually know what they did with the money, but I suspect they went for a beer together.

Janssen family summer 1948

Jan, Har, Nellie, Rinie and Els.

Baas Janssen

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