Newsletter & AGENDA

Celebrate 750 years of Beesel:
Let your creativity bloom in clay!
Take part in this special exhibition and bring the history of Beesel to life through a ceramic piece you have made. We offer you a free package of modelling clay of up to 10 kilos to get started. Be inspired by a special building or a favourite place in our municipality. Or, that is also a possibility, the feeling that Beesel evokes in you. Give shape to one of these sources of inspiration in clay.
Do not hesitate! Whether you are part of a clay club or work individually, we invite everyone to join in.
The following are some points of interest/conditions:
A maximum of 75 packs of clay are available.
Selection will take place on the basis of registration order.
Even if you do not live in the municipality of Beesel, you may participate.
The temporary exhibitions working group will decide when your piece will be exhibited.
Your piece may not exceed 10 kilos of clay. Anything less is allowed.
If you own a ceramic work of a deceased person, which meets our criteria, this may also be offered for exhibition.
The story of the piece is an important component of your work, that must be included.
In January, Cindy will start an open studio on Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 10pm. Besides picking up your pack of clay, you can also come here for advice and guidance.